It's been a while, the holidays are always a tough time to work on my hobbies. I do have a few more of the Daily Duel zombies from the Undead or Alive Kickstarter finished, but I'm waiting until I have the lot of them finished before posting them. In the meantime I've been on a massive reorganization of my minis based largely around the games I play (the various Zombicide games, Massive Darkness, Project: Elite, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Ghostbusters, Hero Quest and Warhammer Quest). I FINALLY got that project done over the weekend. I've then plunged into working up new characters for Zombicide: Undead or Alive.
Most of the following characters are based on mini from Knuckleduster Games' Gunfighter's Ball. The minis are great, even if they are a bit smaller scale than Undead or Alive heroes. It's not enough to keep me from using them. The line runs the gammut from real-life outlaws and law-men from Belle Starr to Bass Reeves and even some based on TV and Movie characters like Marshal Dillon from Gunsmoke and Mongo, the Waco Kid, and Sheriff Bart from Blazing Saddles! Check them out here!
This is a fig from Vaultz. Other than the boots, I just felt like he fit more with UoA than Classic Zombicide. |
This figure is from Bombshell Miniatures |
This figure (along with one of him riding a horse) is from Empress Miniatures. |
This is a Reaper fig. |
Another fig from Reaper. |
Using a Heroclix figure of Jonah. |
Another from Reaper |
This fig and also one of him on a horse is from Empress Miniatures. |
Using her Heroclix figure re-based. |
From Reaper. |
From The Adventurers board games. |
From The Adventurers board games. |
Another from Bombshell Miniatures |
Repurposed President 16 from the Zombicide 2nd Edition Kickstarter. He just fits in Undead or Alive better. |
From The Adventurers board games. |
From the Resident Evil board game Kickstarter. Wasn't sure what I'd exactly do with this fig. |
I re-based a Heroclix mini of him. |
From The Adventurers board games. |
Knuckleduster even makes a few "strange" figures. |
The fig I use for him is from Reaper.
Next time: Painted figures!