Thursday, September 24, 2020

Massive Post of Characters for Zombicide Fantasy

 This will be my last post of characters for Zombicide Fantasy (BP/GH) for a while. I've shifted gears to Zombicide Invader!

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

Amala is from the Conan board game. 

I use the Aragorn figure from the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings skirmish game.

From Blood Rage. 

I use the figure of Artemis from the Legend of Drizzt board game. 

From the Legend of Drizzt board game, though I use the already painted D&D Minis version. 

From the D&D Adventure game: Tomb of Annihilation.

Form the D&D Adventure game: Tomb of Annihilation. 
This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage board game.

Tiefling Blademaster from D&D Minis. 

I believe this mini is tied to Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved

From the Temple of Elemental Evil board game. 

From Dark Souls the board game's Phantoms Expansion

From the Tomb of Annihilation board game.
I use the figure from Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings skirmish game. 

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From Dark Souls the Board Game.

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Legend of Drizzt board game. 

From the Dark Souls board game Phantoms expansion.

The the Magnificent Egos miniatures line. 

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Legend of Drizzt board game. 

Templar from the 3rd edition of Talisman 

From the Dark Souls the board game Phantoms expansion. 

This figure is from Dark Sword Miniatures. 

From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage board game. 

From the Celtos miniatures line...I believe...I picked this figure up a loooong time ago!

This is the Elf Ranger from Warhammer Quest. 

This figure is from Reaper Miniatures. 

From the Dark Souls board game Phantoms expansion. 

This is from the D&D 30th Anniversary line of minis, I think. Silver Half-Dragon Wizard

This figure is from Reaper Miniatures. 

From the Tomb of Annihilation board game. 

From the Cadwallon City of Thieves board game. 

From the Cadwallon City of Thieves board game.

I use the Rare D&D Mini of Elminster. 

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Phantoms expansion for Dark Souls. 

From the Celtos miniatures line. 

This is the Herald character from the Dark Souls board game. 

This figure is from Cadwallon City of Thieves.

This figure is from the Magnificent Egos miniatures line.

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. 

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game. 

I *think* this figure is from the Magnificent Egos miniatures line. 

From the Legend of Drizzt board game. 

This figure is from the Dark Souls Character Expansion.

From Cadwallon City of Thieves

From The Others 7 Sins board game. Just felt she fit more with the fantasy motif.

A Half-Orc fighter from one of the D&D metal miniatures lines in the early 2000's.

Another figure from Magnificent Egos...I think...

From the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. 

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game. 

I use Korvus' Heroclix figure. 

From Reaper Miniatures

From Reaper Miniatures

From the Iron Kingdoms miniatures line. 

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game. 

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

Barbarian from Warhammer Quest

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage board game.

From Reaper Minitaures

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

I use the old metal figure from the late 90's

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

I use the figure from D&D Minis. 

From the Dark Souls board game Characters Expansion

Figure from Marvel Heroclix

From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage board game.

I user the Pyromancer miniature from the Dark Souls board game Character expansion.

From DC Heroclix. 

From the Temple of Elemental Evil board game. 

From Marvel Heroclix. 

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Dark Souls board game. 

From Dark Sword Miniatures. 

From the Tomb of Annihilation board game.

From the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. 

From DC Heroclix

From the Temple of Elemental Evil board game. 

From the Legend of Drizzt board game. 

From the awesome Celtos line of minis.

From The Others: 7 Deadly Sins. Just felt she fit better here. 

From Cadwallon City of Thieves

From Reaper's Pathfinder line of minis. 

Warhammer Quest Elf

From Marvel Heroclix

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Conan board game. 

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

I'm using a Kenku Sneak mini from D&D Minis for Slicer

From D&D Minis

From the Phantoms expansion for the Dark Souls board game.

From the Temple of Elemental Evil board game

From the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. 

This is for the Deprived character mini from the Characters expansion for Dark Souls.

From B-Seiged

From The Others: 7 Sins board game. 

From the Characters expansion for Dark Souls

From Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved line of Miniatures.

Using a Thri-Kreen from D&D Minis for Tilnak.

From Cadwallon City of Thieves

From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage board game.

From D&D Minis

From Cadwallon City of Thieves

From Reaper's Pathfinder minis line. 

From Cadwallon City of Thieves.

From the Wrath of Ashardalon board game. 

From the Confrontation line of miniatures. 

From Blood Rage.