Saturday, July 30, 2022

More Characters for Zombicide 2nd Edition, Invader, and Black Plague/Green Horde

 Here's another big dump of characters for Zombicide 2nd Edition, Invader, and Black Plague/Green Horde. Now that this round is done and I've gotten file set up to print for various parts of the games (Character Cards, Team Builder Cards, and a lot of Spawn Cards for 2E), I'm going to get back to painting like a madman...hopefully!

I created a figure in Heroforge for each of the characters in World War Z: Aftermath. This is one.

From WWZ: A

Figure from Vaultz

From The Walking Dead: All Out War game from Mantic. Sadly, it's been discontinued, so snatch up character packs while you can!

Character from the Vaultz Patreon. These are great figs. I highly recommend becoming a backer, especially if you have a 3D Resin Printer. (I haven't picked one up yet, so I have a batch of figs printed nearly every month.)

From WWZ: A

Another great fig from Vaultz. 

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz

From WWZ: A

Yes, this is the comic book version of Herschel from The Walking Dead, but I already did a character of Herschel from the TV series using a mini from Studio Miniatures, so the Mantic fig became a new character. 

Vaultz did an homage to season 3 Eleven from Stranger Things. Only two of the characters have been done so far, but I hope he does the rest of the crew. 
Here's the details on the two new Skills I made for Eleven: 

Telekinetic Destruction – The Survivor can forgo all other actions this round to focus their telekinesis on a single enemy utterly destroying them, even an Abomination. The Survivor can do this once a Mission without any check, any further attempt require a roll of 1 die. On a roll of 5-6, they can use this skill again, but they suffer a -1 to the roll for every Wound they have when making the attempt.

Telekinetic Throw – Roll 1 die. The result is the max number of zombies (non-Abominations) the Survivor can toss into another Zone. This is a Damage 1 attack that can be used at Range 0-1.

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

This is a figure I picked up off of Etsy, I think. 

From WWZ: A

Another fig from Vaultz

Vaultz did an homage of Mad Max from Fury Road. Since I already have a Mel Gibson Max inspired character, I made a new one for the figure. (The fig has the biter mask Max was wearing when he was tied to one of Immortan's Dogs of War's car.)

I made figures of the two new characters from Back 4 Blood in Heroforge as well. 

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz.

From WWZ: A

I found this figure on Etsy. 

The figure is from Bombshell Miniatures. 

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz

I found this figure on Etsy as well, I think...

From Bombshell Minis.

From Vaultz

From WWZ: A

The figure is from Vaultz, but inspired by Salma Hayek's vampiress character in From Dusk 'Til Dawn. 

From WWZ: A

The other Stranger Things homage from Vaultz. 

From Vaultz.

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz

The figure is from TWD: AOW

From Vaultz

The figure is from TWD: AOW

From Vaultz

From WWZ: A

From DC Comics. Heroclix for the fig. 

From Vaultz

Another fig from Vaultz

From WWZ: A

From Bombshell Minis

The other new character from Back 4 Blood. I'm not happy with the hair I selected for her, so I may re-do the mini should a better hair style hit Heroforge. 

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz

You guessed it, another figure from Vaultz.

The figure is another homage from Vaultz. 

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

From WWZ: A

From Vaultz

From Vaultz

From Vaultz.

From WWZ: A

This fig is from Heroclix from one of the DC sets. 

One more from Vaultz

This homage figure is from another Patreon I back: RN Estudio, which does a lot of video game inspired figures. 

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio, yep the games they get inspiration from aren't just Final Fantasy games, but Soul Calibur as well!

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

I picked this fig up from Etsy I believe. 

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

A random figure I got off of Etsy. 

From RN Estudio

Another figure I picked up from Etsy. 

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

Another purchase from Etsy, I think.

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From Reaper? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. 

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From Bombshell Minis

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio...I think...

From RN Estudio

A random Etsy purchase

From RN Estudio

A random Etsy purchase

Yet another random Etsy purchase.

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

From RN Estudio

Yet another Etsy purchase

From Etsy

The figure is from Star Wars: Legions

From the Etsy seller Papsikels. 

From the Etsy seller Papsikels.

Another SW: L figure

From the Etsy seller Papsikels based on the character Jackie from Cyberpunk 2077. 

From the Etsy seller Papsikels.

From the Etsy seller Papsikels.

From Star Wars: Imperial Assault

From Bombshell Minis

From the Etsy seller Papsikels.

From the Etsy seller Papsikels. Note that the scale is stated as 32mm for her, but she is WAY bigger.

I've also updated my Zombiepedia that I have for Zombicide 2nd Edition that details all the various Zombie types and other enemies that I use in my Zombicide 2E games. I may post that up later on. IT has a lot of stuff I've picked up from other creators that I either modified for my use or just use as they wrote it.