Friday, May 08, 2020

Custom Zombicide Black Plague/Green Horde Marvelfied!!!

Here's another batch of Zombicide Black Plague/Green Horde characters based off of Marvel characters and/or Heroclix figures. This batch is based off of Heroclix figures I have in my collection.

The picture is of a collectible statue, but I use a Heroclix miniature of her for play. 

The name comes from the Babylonian land of the dead. 

I use the blonde-haired Valkyrie Heroclix figure. The name came from a list of female Norse names. 

Once again, using his Heroclix figure. I prefer to use character art than the miniature, but sometimes (like with Aralu, I can't seem to find the right image.

I envision this guy to be an Ogre. 

Caiera is skilled with both magic and melee prowess, but is a master of neither. 

The Enchantress (Marvel). The name is from the same list of Female Norse names. 

I honestly don't remember who this is a figure of (I rebase, all my Heroclix figures that I use in other games). 

The red-haired Valkyrie Heroclix figure. Her name is supposedly an old Norse name for a woman. I don't know if that's true or not, but it was too cool of a name to pass up!

The classic comic book Heimdall. 

Jafari's figure is the movie Heimdall. I had to give him a new name and a mercenary backstory.

Mavori is based on the movie version of Valkyrie. I don't remember now where I got the name "Mavori" from. 

Surprisingly, I couldn't find a good image of Pip that I liked. 

There is one DC character in the mix... 

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