Monday, August 11, 2014


The Badoon are a reptilian species from the planet, Lotlara in the Lomora system, not far from Minbari space. They are a species of opposites. The males are aggressive and militaristic while the females are peaceful and pacifistic. They are a young space-faring species with designs on the whole of the galaxy, at least the males feel this way.

Lotlara is a swamp-planet. 85% of the planet's surface is covered in water, much of it rather shallow. The dominant climate is tropical and many trees grow up from the shallow pools, giving much of the planet a very bayou-like feeling. It is not the sort of world that one would expect would-be galactic tyrants would hail from.

200 years ago, the Badoon began making giant strides in technology. Where they had barely entered into their Industrial Age, they quickly took to the stars and mastered technology that took many other species centuries to develop. This caught the attention of Minbari scouts who began to watch the Badoon with interest. Many Minbari leaders felt that the Badoon were getting technology from an outside source, possibly the Drahk, Romulans, or Massassi. When the Badoon colonized the planet, Moord, in the nearby Yastrazi system, reconnaissance of these young upstarts went into full swing. Still, the Badoon had not entered into any contact with any other species, although it was known that they knew of the existence of life on other worlds from monitoring their transmissions.

When the Badoon finally encountered another species, their intentions were laid bare. They attacked Betauri IV, home to the primitive Betaurians, and began a ruthless assault designed to wipe the natives from the planet. The Minbari stepped in and aided the Betaurians, even though they typically didn't involve themselves in the lives of primitive species. The Badoon fought the Minbari and the battles raged for weeks before the Badoon were finally driven back to the Yastrazi system. Betauri IV was decimated by the Badoon assault, however, forcing the Minbari to relocate the frightened and bewildered Betaurians to another planet in Minbari space.

Since their first conflict on the galactic stage, the Badoon have never fully recovered. They still perform raids for resources, supplies, and technology on neighboring systems or merchant convoys, but they've never massed an invasion on an inhabited world. Since they still have yet to have any proven contact with other species that wasn't violent, it is unknown if they have been beaten enough to know they are outgunned or biding their time and massing their strength.

What is known about Badoon culture is from Minbari spies and scouts. The males colonized Moorb entirely, leaving Lotlara to the females. Every year, males who have come of age and those who can still father young travel to Lotlara to find a mate or be with their mate. After the female lays an egg (or eggs, though multiple eggs are rare), the males take them back to Moorb where they are incubated and hatched. Females are then sent back to Lotlara to be raised by the females while male young stay on Moorb and are trained for combat.

Since the departure of the males, the female Badoon have appeared to make Lotlara a haven for science, art, and religion. There is rarely any strife that has been recorded on Lotlara since the males left, and the only instances of violence are typically when the males return to mate. There was hope among the Minbari that the females could be a force of calm for the male Badoon, but they appear to have little influence on the males and vice versa.

There is one dark side to the female Badoon, they are subject to a mutation that makes some of their number savage, and almost ape-like. These mutant Badoon are exiled to the swamp, where they mass in tribes and eke out a living away from the Badoon cities. They are typically violent towards all those who are not like them, even to typical civilized Badoon. Still, the Sisterhood (the leading priestesses of the chief religion on Lotlara) makes and effort to make supplies of food and rudimentary tools for the savages to use.

Male Badoon are lead by an "Emperor." Military training dominates much of a young male Badoon's life. Those that are deemed unfit for combat are given the opportunity to excel at technical skills. Those that fail at that task are give menial tasks or are executed. It appears that their entire lives revolve around training for war. There are no other pursuits. Even in their down time, male Badoon play war games meant to either keep their killing instincts or their tactical instincts honed.

The Badoon are reptilian humanoids that stand around 6 feet tall with stooping postures. Their fingers and toes (two toes on each foot) are webbed. Badoon flesh is made out of leathery scales that are various shades of green, with olive green being the most common. Males sport a ridge down their chests and large, furrowed brows that taper back to their pointed ears. Female Badoon can grow moss-like hair, but their brows are less prominent. They also have the typical form of females seen among other humanoids, although it is unclean as to why because Badoon have never nursed their young. Savage females have claws on their fingers and toes, and grow moss-like over all of their bodies except for their faces, hands, and feet.

Badoon for Savage Worlds

Male Badoon 
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Swimming d6
Pace: 6"; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2)
Gear: Blaster Rifle (RNG 24/48/96, DMG 2d8+2, ROF 1, AP2)
Special Abilities:

  • Tough Hide: +2 Armor
  • Diver: Badoon are “breath hold” divers and can stay underwater for long periods of time on just one breath of air. A Badoon gains a Fatigue level after every 15 minutes he holds his breath. On reaching Incapacitation, the swimmer makes an immediate Vigor roll (and another each minute thereafter) to stay conscious. If the roll is failed the diver has drowned. Once above water, he recovers one level of Fatigue every five minutes.

Female Badoon (Civilized)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Various skills. GM's should choose 2-4 skills like Healing, Investigation, Knowledge (Art, Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, Electronics, Engineering, Religion and so forth), Notice, or other scholarly, non-violent skills. The die for these skills should be d8 to d10.
Pace: 6"; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7 (2)
Gear: Typically only professional tools.
Special Abilities:

  • Tough Hide: +2 Armor
  • Diver: Badoon are “breath hold” divers and can stay underwater for long periods of time on just one breath of air. A Badoon gains a Fatigue level after every 15 minutes he holds his breath. On reaching Incapacitation, the swimmer makes an immediate Vigor roll (and another each minute thereafter) to stay conscious. If the roll is failed the diver has drowned. Once above water, he recovers one level of Fatigue every five minutes.

Female Badoon (Savage)
Attributes: Agility: d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6"; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
Gear: Typically none, but some may wield ancient weapons like rudimentary clubs and spears (Str + d6 dmg)
Special Abilities: 

  • Tough Hide: +2 Armor
  • Claws: Str + d6 dmg
  • Diver: Badoon are “breath hold” divers and can stay underwater for long periods of time on just one breath of air. A Badoon gains a Fatigue level after every 15 minutes he holds his breath. On reaching Incapacitation, the swimmer makes an immediate Vigor roll (and another each minute thereafter) to stay conscious. If the roll is failed the diver has drowned. Once above water, he recovers one level of Fatigue every five minutes.
  • Camouflage: Savage Badoon can blend in with the surroundings of their swamp homes, granting a +2 bonus to their Stealth skill rolls. 

Badoon for Rogue Space
Male Badoon
DRM +1; TP H; SZ A; MV Biped (40'); AR M; DM V (see below); HP 4; SP -
Armed with Laser Rifles (V damage, F range)

Female Badoon (Savage)
DRM +1; TP H; SZ A; MV Biped (40'); AR L; DM L; HP 3; SP - 
Usually fight with claws, but sometimes also with primitive weapons.


Adam Dickstein said...

Ah the Badoon. A species I love loathing. Great series so far!

kanegrundar said...

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! After a long hiatus, it's good to be writing consistently again.

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